
Areas of Differentiation Medical Retina, Ocular Diabetes, Cataract Surgery, Oculoplastic.

Languages English and Spanish.

Academic Education

  • 2017 - Doctorate in the 9th Edition of Doctorate in Medicine of the Faculty of Medical Sciences;
  • 1998-2004 - Degree in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon.

Clinical Activity

  • Since 2017 - Portuguese Retina Institute; 
  • Since 2009 - Retina Institute of Lisbon;
  • 2009 - Internship at Moorfields Eye Hospital, London;
  • 2009 - Stage of the IPO of Lisbon;
  • Since 2006 - Institute of Ophthalmology Dr. Gama Pinto;
  • 2006-2010 - Specialty internship at the Institute of Ophthalmology Dr. Gama Pinto;
  • 2005 - General Internship, Hospital of Santa Maria.

Scientific Activity

  • Organization of Medical Internship at the Institute of Ophthalmology Dr. Gama Pinto;
  • Scientific Organization of the Institute of Ophthalmology Dr. Gama Pinto.


  • 2008 - Melhor apresentação de Glaucoma na SPO;
  • 2007 - Bolsa Anual de Investigação da SPO.


  • 2008 - Better presentation of Glaucoma in SPO;
  • 2007 - Annual Research Grant of SPO.

Positions in professional order and in scientific societies

  • Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology - SPO.

Make your online request here.

1st Consultation - € 85 and following € 80

Genetic Consultation - €90 (Private only)

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